About Me

With the continuous advancement of digital devices in our modern world, I am fascinated by how transforming innovative ideas into interesting artifacts, such as creating web applications, can blossom a positive impact in people’s lives.
Computer Icon

Software Engineer

Having experience with multiple programming languages under my belt, I recently finished my summer internship as a Robotics Software Engineer in Hand Plus Robotics.

Programming Languages:

Java, Python, SQL, MATLAB, Haskell, C

Design / Dev Tools:

JUnit Testing
Android Studio

Student Icon


I am currently a third year Computer Science undergraduate student at the University of Edinburgh with active leadership involvement.


Programming Society Instructor, Table Tennis Team Captain

Relevant Coursework:

Federal Bike Rental System (Java)
Heuristics of Travelling Salesman Problem (Python)
Planning with PDDL (PDDL)

Terminal Icon

Full Stack Developer

Like Lego, I sincerely value the art of constructing a product starting from nothing and appreciate the product unravel in its finest beauty when finally completed.

Coding Languages:

HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP

Design / Dev Tools:

BootStrap Framework
Pen and Paper

Personal Projects

Untitled Recipe Project

February 2020 - Present
Project One Image
Currently in the process of co-creating a full-stack web application, I developed with HTML/CSS/JavaScript, PHP and phpMyAdmin, to generate specialized recipes in order to help lazy cooks decide what to cook. Configured LAMP server on Amazon Web Services (AWS) platform.

Hello World Hackathon 2020 Website

October 2019 - February 2020
Project Two Image
As lead web developer, I worked with team of ten to develop University of Edinburgh's annual beginner-friendly hackathon details, which received over 200 applicants. This responsive static website was designed and implemented with HTML, CSS, and BootStrap.

TK Hwang's Photography Website

July 2018 - Present
Project Three Image
I further enhanced my artistic skills using Adobe Portfolio to design TK's photography website. Prior versions of TK's customized website can be found on my personal GitHub.


February 2017 - March 2017
Having learned Java back in AP Computer Science during high school, I decided to further invest my technical skills by using the programming language to learn how to create engaging, useful Android applications. Using the Google Books API, he developed an Android application which allows the user to use a search tool in order to find a particular book title, author, or keyword.

Personal Best Photographs

Scottish Highlands Summer 2019
Edinburgh Oct 2017
Rainbow Food Jan 2018
Vietnam 2014

Contact Me

What's your idea? What intrigues you? Share your thoughts with me!
Or learn more about my profile using these links below:
© 2020 Justin Howe